Our PowerPoint Add-in allows you to create Beautiful.ai slides right in your PowerPoint workflow. This means you get the Beautiful.ai Smart Slide technology— that takes on the burden of the design for you— without ever having to leave the PowerPoint platform.
This article will go over the following items. Click on a topic to jump ahead:
Getting Started
Installing the Add-In
To install the Beautiful.ai Add-in, download the install from the Microsoft Office Store directly by clicking on this link and select "Get It Now". You may be prompted to sign into your Microsoft 365 account. You can also add the app directly from the Add-in section of your PowerPoint options.
Once signed in, select Open In PowerPoint from the Office Store page. This will launch open the Beautiful.ai PPT Add-in on the right side of your PowerPoint screen. Click Trust this add-in to confirm your install. From there, the Beautiful.ai Add In widget will appear.
Signing In
To sign into your account, click on Sign In and select either the Google sign in option or enter your email and password. Once signed in, you should see your Add Slide and Go To Library options appear.
Adding Slides
To add a slide, click on Add Slide to add your first slide. A second window will launch. Select the theme of your choice and click Create Slide.
From there, you will be dropped into the Slide Templates library. Here you will have the option to start from:
- A blank Smart Slide
- An Inspiration Gallery slide
- A Team slide (this is a Team Plan feature only)
- An existing slide from a presentation in your library
Once you've made your selection, you will be dropped into the Editor. Here, you will be able to edit your slide as you normally would in the Beautiful.ai platform.
Saving to PowerPoint
After you've made your changes, select Save to save your changes.
A save dialog will appear. You have two different save options:
- Save as Editable PowerPoint: This option will export your slide right into PowerPoint. You will be able to edit your PPT slide as you normally would. You may notice some slight differences after import.
- Save as Image: This option will save your slide as an image. While you will not be able to edit the slide in PowerPoint, you will be able to launch the slide open in the Beautiful.ai Editor to modify and save again.
Once you've selected your option, click on Save To PPT. You will be launched back to PowerPoint to view or edit your slide.
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good for learning.
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