When you create a Timeline, you can insert milestones, which are used to highlight specific achievements and/or dates. Selecting a milestone will bring up editing options.
Moving a Milestone
To manually adjust the position, first, select a milestone. Next, click on the slider icon and drag the milestone across the timeline. Note, depending on the layout and content of your slide, the milestones will automatically adjust for the best fit as you reposition them.
To have the milestones adjust automatically, click on the Distribute Evenly button at the bottom center. Note: The milestones will be arranged evenly based on how many items there are. If your text is offput, manually drag the milestone.
Adding Milestone Icons
To add icons to milestones, click the Settings icon at the bottom center. Next, turn Milestones Icons from OFF to ON.
Deleting a Milestone
To remove a milestone, select the item and click on the "X" button that appears on the top right of the text box.
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