Private presentations can only be viewed by you (owner) and any user that you've collaborated with. If you shared a link to your presentation, and then set your presentation to Private, all links will become disabled.
Secured Viewing
This is a Pro feature.
Secured Invite presentations can only be viewed by email invitation. These users must have accounts. People you invite must confirm their email before they can view your presentation. You can rescind viewing permissions for other people at any time
Type in the users' email address and then click Send Email. The recipient will get a player link. They must log in to their account to view the link. Immediately upon sharing, the recipient's email will appear in the shareable links section with the date the invite was sent and how many views.
Revoking Access:
Here, you can disable an invite or delete the invite:
Disable: The user no longer has access to the link and will get an 'uh-oh' error message when viewing the link. This is good for people who need to make quick edits to things and then re-release it.
Delete: Revoke Invitation message appears. When the user tries to see this again, they will get a 'presentation not found' message'. They will never be able to view it again using the link and have to be re-invited.
Public presentations can be viewed by anyone with a public link or embedded on a website or blog. By default, public presentations are not indexed by search engines like Google unless you embed the public link on a website or blog or post the public link to a social sharing site like Facebook or Twitter.
A list of your shared links will appear under Who Can View This Presentation? with the date it was shared and how many views. When you switch your presentation from Public to Private/Secured, all public share links will be deactivated:
1 comment
Invite presentations can only be viewed by email invitation. These users must have accounts. People you invite must confirm their email before they can view your presentation Experts mistry. You can rescind viewing permissions for other people at any time
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