Can I play one track throughout the entire presentation?




  • Christian Baptiste

    It would be an awesome enhancement to be able to play a continuous track through all or a set of slides. And even better if we could also narrate on top. 


    Consider this a feature request.

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  • Aaron Ramey

    As above.  This should have been added a long time ago.  The previous request is 2 years old!

    I would have preferred worked on things like THIS rather than the PowerPoint plugin.

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  • john Krapraneath

    It would be a fantastic improvement if there was a way to play similar waffle game a continuous track across all of the slides or via a selected set of slides. And if we could additionally narrate on top of that, that would be even better.

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  • denis

    +1 for this feature.

    There's a definite need for this function. I'm surprised it is not already a core part of beautiful ai.

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  • Samantha Compono

    I just completed a deck for a presentation - assuming that since there was an icon to add audio to a single slide that i could apply one track to the whole presentation. I feel like I just wasted my whole day! Incredibly disappointed is understating it - drastically. PLEASE someone add this ASAP or I'm going to cancel and get another service. 

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  • Tim Kroll

    I will be unable to use this service if I have to break the audio in between slides.  It really cheapens the presentation with the breaks.   I agree with the previous commenter, I feel as though I have completely wasted my time.

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  • Fiat Lux NYC

    What is the roadmap for installing this feature? It makes no sense that there isn't any traction in this area.

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  • markangelo

    While it's a bummer that we can only add audio per slide, maybe we can take a cue from the rice purity test - sometimes, the journey through each slide can be just as interesting as a continuous track!

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