When your cell is set to text, you will be able to type in any string of characters without any autoformatting.
Text Align: You will also be able to align the text as either Left, Right, or Center.
Font Size: The default text size will change to be the best fit for your slide. You can change
You can change the font size on a cell by cell case or by an entire row or column.
Decimal: If you type in a number with a decimal point, Beautiful.AI will automatically display all of the decimal places.
Thousands Separator will display a character (,) between each separator.
Abbreviated Format: This will abbreviate a number in a cell. For example, 4,000 will display as 4K. Or 4,000,000 will display as 4M.
Accounting Style: Accounting format is used for monetary values. This option will align the numbers on the right side of the cell and the currency symbol on the left.
Change In Value: This will display an up/down arrow or +/- symbol before a number value
Currency Symbol: The default currency is $. To change the currency to something else, click on the format button and select the symbol of your choice in the Currency menu.
Decimal: Beautiful.AI will automatically display all of the decimal places that are entered in a cell.
Thousands Separator: This will display a character (,) between each separator.
Abbreviated Format: This will abbreviate a number in a cell. For example, 4,000 will display as 4K. Or 4,000,000 will display as 4M.
Accounting Style: Accounting format is used for monetary values. This option will align the numbers on the right side of the cell and the currency symbol on the left.
Change In Value: This will display an up/down arrow or +/- symbol before a number value
To display a percentage, click on the cell format button and select Percent from the format list. Values should be typed in using decimal numbers. For example:
7 becomes 700%
.7 becomes 7%
If you would like to display a percentage with a decimal value, type in the If you type in a value that has a percent symbol, it will round up to a whole number.
Change In Value: This will display an up/down arrow or +/- symbol before a number value
The default date format is Month Day. To change the date, click on the Date Format button and under Format, select your desired format.
To add an icon or an image, click on the cell format button. Under Icon, select from the pre-displayed icons or choose from the icon/image chooser.
1 comment
Thanks for the detailed instructions.
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