Need to connect to another slide or webpage? Our Link feature makes it seamless and simple!
Adding a Hyperlink:
To add a hyperlink, highlight the word or phrase you would like to link. Once highlighted, click on the Link icon from the menu box. Paste in the website URL and click OK to add the link. The linked text will change color (light blue).
Editing a Hyperlink:
To edit or remove a hyperlink, click on the word or phrase and click the Link icon from the menu box. Select Edit Link. Edit the link or click "Remove Link" to delete then click OK to save the changes.
Viewing a Hyperlink
Hyperlinks are clickable and viewable in the player. After launching the player, click the hyperlinkon your slide. You will be launched into a new tab with the link.
On a Macbook I had to plug in a mouse to reach the option to link. Is there any way that it autofills what is highlighted in the link box? It was a pain to not be able to copy and paste links and have to type them in. More risk in a mistake/typo.
How can I change the link highlight color (light blue)? Light blue looks really bad with some of your themes.
I can't seem to find a way to hyperlink an image or a shape-only text, is there a way to hyperlink images? Also, how can I change the link highlight color (light blue)?
How to change link colour? Changing link text colour removes the URL. Could you please fix? Thanks
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